Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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Start: Topical Index: Types: Sexual Assault: Forced Prostitution: "Comfort Women" System:

Types: Sexual Assault:

T o p i c a l   I n d e x

Representations: Films: Four Blocks of Ice, Nation and Destiny; Animated Films: Unforgotten; Documentary Films: Koko Sunyi; Shusenjo, Twenty-Two; Feature Films: Snowy Road, Spirits'Homecoming

B i b l i o g r a p h y

I. Author Index

[Info] Álvarez, María del Pilar. Memoria histórica y poscolonialismo en Corea del Sur: Los usos del pasado en el nuevo cine documental. Buenos Aires 2015.

[Info] Choi, Eun S. »?? ?? ? ‘???’ ??? ?? ?? ??: ???? ??? ????.« ????? No. 58 (2019): 83-100.

[Info] Coates, Jennifer. »Victims and bystanders: Women in the Japanese war-retro film.« Media, War & Conflict 6 (2013): 233-248.

[Info] Gwon, Hyeon J. »??? ???? ?? ??? ?? ??: ?? ? ????.« ??????? 9 (2017): 95-119.

[Info] Hapsari, Swita A., et al. »Representasi identitas "comfort women" dalam film I Can SpeakJurnal Audience 2 (2019): 155-175.

[Info] Inuzuka, Ako. Non-Western Colonization, Orientalism, and the Comfort Women: The Collective Memory of Sexual Slavery Under the Japanese Imperial Military. Lanham 2021.

[Info] Joo, You-Shin. »??? ??? ????? ??? ??: ? ? ????.« ??? ???? 51 (2017): 95-111.

[Info] Nam, Jin-sook. »??, ?i Can Speak?? ??? ?????? ?? ? ??.« ????? ? 17 (2018): 65-102.

[Info] Stetz, Margaret D. »Making Girl Victims Visible: A Survey of Representations That Have Circulated in the West.« The Transnational Redress Movement for the Victims of Japanese Military Sexual Slavery. Edited by Pyong G. Min et al. Berlin 2020: 215-229.

II. Speaker Index

[Info] Lee, Hunmi. »Witnessing and Memory Activism in “Comfort Women” Documentaries.« Annual Conference of the Association for Asian Studies. Boston 2020.

[Info] Stetz, Margaret. »The Long Aftermath: ‘Comfort Women’ Issues in Recent South Korean Films.« 49th Annual Meeting of the Popular Culture Association / American Culture Association. Washington, D.C. 2019.

[Info] Xie, Linzi, et al. »Korean and Chinese documentaries on 'comfort women' Issue.« 61st Annual Society for Cinema and Media Studies Conference . Denver 2020.